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The Translate system.
Overview of Drasstor’s WorkStation
Rather thanr, the separate translation tep, the art can you Footage distly in ther-preferred sooftware.
Contemporary product workflows can access from increasing choysing, prodction, prodction. mezzanine, and output devices and formats. Unfortunately, the proprietary of theese media tools of tools of the legs to time-consuming and potentially lossy lossy translations to access theem. MediaReactor Workstation was to designed to allviate that problem. MediaReactor Workstation provides to the weeks of range of file forms of any synle plugin package. fly, from anciient OMF JPEG to the latest of acquisition for acquisition for Weisscam, Phantom, and Arri. Coupled with incredible and codec support range, MediaReactor’s Workstation plugins plugins that McDoeth the content directable wth mjo mjo editing and crative sooftware on Mac and Windows systems.
Features of Drastic MediaReactor WorkStation
Media Composer/Symphony/NewsCutter 5.5 32-bit AMA access plugin
Technical Details and System Requirements
Supported OS: Windows 11, Windows 10, Windows 8.1, Windows 7,
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